
Monday Modifying

I have been thinking about doing this for a while and a blog I was reading really helped me to make sure it happens. My day will be Mondays- you can choose which ever day works best for you and your family but ours will be Mondays.

Every Monday we will go through our house and modify things- simplify- get rid of stuff we don't need, don't really use or could see someone else using more than us!

When we were in China we really loved the idea of living simply (hence the blog) and really wanted to try to continue living that kind of life when we moved back to America. Its been very difficult- but we have stayed aways from the stores well. Now its all about getting rid of the 'stuff' in the house that has little to no meaning and is just taking up space, and in the end making it much more difficult to clean than necessary.

I am very excited about this project. And it will be a good thing for our family to get in the habit of. Even if its just a few things each Monday- if we don't love it or use it regularly, what's it doing in our house!?

Today- I got rid of some 'decorative' pieces that were given to us ( I don't even know when) and they are pretty but I don't love them and don't really know what to do with them. So they have sat awkwardly in our house until today. I'm sure someone will LOVE them and they will be used in another home. I also got rid of some clothes. If they fit awkwardly or they are the shirts that Í might were someday" they have been put in the box to be given away.

Now I will start on my stations. More to come on this idea later =)

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